Wednesday, 21 March 2012

UK Preceptory Feburary 2012 Chapter Minutes

News: Servant of Our Lady Peggy Starkie has just died: more at March Chapter.

PRESENT: Stephen de la Bédoyère, Kt, Preceptor; Andrew Cesana, Kt; Mary, Servant O.L; Pierre, Ian, William Magner, Friends O.L; APOLOGIES:  Richard Coles, Kt (n/a);

READING: Ch. VII: Penitence by Andre Cesana, Kt.

MASTER’S DIRECTIVES: February: Being ‘Church’:

‘I hope that above all you will make every effort for the Order to remain on the path which has been its own since its foundation: that of total fidelity to the Church through its being attached to her living Tradition.’ (e-mail from Dom Lafond to the Master, 23.02.09)

Such clear words point us to being very conscious of our membership of the Church, and for this purpose we should make ourselves known to our bishops. It is precisely this that I have asked of our American recruits and what I also ask of each preceptor: to go and see his diocesan bishop, to explain to him our calling, our aims and our way of working. I would say that it is very clear to me that he will want to make use of our limited abilities for his episcopal purposes. The canonical recognition of the MSM at Chartres is valid for the whole Church. Where you may think that, in order to show our integral membership of the Church, we need to seek recognition for our constituent associations – e.g. the Associacio Familias of Braga - as associations of the faithful, please seek my advice first.


First – since Lent begins tomorrow, please try and read this chapter on your own in a meditative way. Referring to the Master’s first directive (January), Lent reminds us that our prayer should be modelled on that of the Suffering CHRIST. Our tiny acts of self-denial are an earnest of our intention to serve Our Lord and Our Lady better. Have you noticed that, in inhouse documents, we hardly ever refer to The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church as anything but The Church. There is no other. The Master’s remarks are especially relevant in the English-speaking world, where protestant Christianity has sought to minimise the mediation of the community of the faithful and salvation is a fundamentally individual reality. Our salvation, as we know, is based on our membership in the Church, the Mystical Body. Frank Sheed in ‘Theology and Sanity’ has reminded us that the means of salvation (and for the conversion of the world) are the same for all: the work of our Redemption by Jesus Christ. We of course have to respond. But how can we? Only via the ‘blood transfusions’ provided by the Communion of Saints (c.f. The Apostles’ Creed). Our preceptory has entered a period in which we are precisely approaching our bishops, and I am grateful to bro. Jean-Paul for his encouragement and participation in this activity (see below). An enduring memory of mine goes back to when I was teaching in Kenya in 1988. A couple of friends and I were driving for a day trip to Meru, on the slopes of Mount Kenya. We passed the catholic church on the edge of the diocesan city of Embu and decided to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. As we emerged from the building, we saw a tall and distinguished gentleman in clerical grey and a clerical collar coming to the porch. One of my friends -a priest– nudged me, ‘We are in the presence of a successor to the apostles’, he said quietly. I found myself greeting Mgr. John Njue, bishop of Embu, now Cardinal Archbishop of Nairobi, successor of the Apostles. What a thought!

EXHORTATION:  please make use of the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) this Lent.

Please pray for Frederic Grenier, a Canadian who is considering asking admission to the MSM as a bro. at arms, and for our Brazilian arms and postulants.

1. The preceptor attended an excellent ‘family life’ training day at Southwark Cathedral on Saturday, 11th February, for catechists in the 4 S.E. dioceses. He attended a couple of interesting workshops, and there were over 100 participants. He met Bishop Hine briefly and heard Archbishop Smith outline plans for the Church’s response to the U.K. Gov’t resolution to legislate homosexual marriage before 2015. This will very soon be a very important struggle in U.K. and the vast majority of Christians (and Moslems) will be at one with us in this matter.
2. You may wish to attend the SPUC Conference on 20th March entitled ‘Abortion or Maternal Health’ (in developing countries). In which our Friend Fiorella Nash will be speaking. See Preceptor for details.


1. Chapter dates: please let me know if you are satisfied with the dates for 2012. There are occasions when we are simply unable to attend Chapters, but we try to make them few and far between1
2. Please study the Chapter procedure notes carefully. Writing your news briefly helps the Chapter secretary and ensures that we finish promptly: some of us attend from quite far outside London, so we try not to extend the length of Chapter unnecessarily.
3. Jean-Paul and I will meet +Hopes on Wednesday, 14th March in the afternoon. Please keep this important meeting in your prayers. We are arranging to meet +Archb. Smith of Southwark, and auxiliary +Hine (responsible for S.E. Kent and for Family Life in the diocese).
4. Please let me know your possibilities for attending the General Chapter in August.
Our Lady’s African Fund (OLAF):
Ochieng family in Nairobi; we have sent £200 , but we need to raise two further amounts of £400 to complete payment of school fees for them and for another family.

Members News:

STEPHEN’S NEWS: A second hand computer which I had been given turned out to have functional problems that I couldn’t properly handle, so I have invested in a new computer. I am still finding it very difficult to use. I shall be on holiday in Barcelona from 2nd to 9th April. As usual I will try to visit the Church of Our Lady La Merced to pray for the MSM.

MARTIN’S NEWS: Martin has reminded us of the ‘Foyer’ Day at St Mary of the Angels Church in Bayswater on Saturday, 17th March, with Mgr. Barltrop. It begins with Mass at 10:30, and ends at 4:00pm. More details from Martin (01491413 083). He is very grateful to those who have already paid their sub.s.

1. Mrs Cesana is getting better fast, and should be back home shortly.
2. The next days with Mary are: 10th March: Farm Street and 17th March: Newbury Park.
3. Andrew will put an insert about the MSM in 2013 Westminster Directory.
4. On behalf of the Preceptory, Andrew attended a Mass said at the Sacred Heart Church, Sittingbourne, for the repose of the soul of Dom Niggl, O.S.B. on 17th February.

RICHARD’S NEWS: He remains in the West Country, sorting out his mother’s estate.

1. As I write this summary, J-P is visiting Kuwait (professional reasons)
2. We await further news from/about our Australian friend David Sainty about joining the MSM (Prayers, please!)
3. J-P is prepared to follow up anyone who is interested in a vocation with the Knights: just e-mail or telephone him( ; 01304 381 788).

1. Mary has been involved with a cantata by John Read called ‘Pilgrimage’, which has been sung by his parish choir and that of the C.S.J.
2. She has also been involved with the Schola Gregoriana in Cambridge preparing a concert for the Temple Church in London in April in honour of Our Lady of mediaeval monastic Marian music.

1. Ian visited the Islamic exhibition at the BM centred on the Kaaba and the Hajj at Mecca, which he found very interesting .
2. After the Chapter, he and the Preceptor discussed the MSM over a pleasant dinner. Ian wants to continue his involvement with us.

JOHN WRIGLEY’S NEWS: In a letter enclosing John’s annual sub., he tells us that Fr Roger Nesbitt, pp for many years of Folkestone, and a good friend of many people of the MSM, will be retiring after Easter. He will be succeeded as pp by Fr Stephen Bould, of the Ordinariate. Maybe Andrew could send him a card on behalf of the Preceptory, wishing him a happy retirement on behalf of the MSM.

1. He is monitoring China’s opening to the West.
2. His linguistic studies include Xtn Arabic, Hindi vocabulary, Aramaic and Semitic;                        3. He reminded us of Tibetan New Year, about now.

1. William is a fellow resident of Du Cane Court from S.W. Ireland, with Oratorian connections.
2. We welcomed him as a Friend of the MSM  in January, 2011, but this is his first Chapter. WELCOME!

No change till April Chapter                                                                   

-          Thursday, 1st March, St David of Wales
-          Monday 19th March. St Joseph, husband of Our Lady, Patron of the Church, ‘the first knight to serve the Queen of Heaven’ (RULE, ch. XVII). Please make every effort to attend Mass on that day, according to our Rule

1.Dead: We think of all those who have died recently: Peggy Starkie
2. Sick:
- Mrs Cesana
- Stratford Caldecott   (We are praying via Bl John-Paul II for his recovery from Cancer)    
3. For continual prayers: Nicholas Lane
4. Permanently on our Prayer List: Pope Benedict and his intentions, vocations to the MSM and IFCI, OLAF and the children we are supporting, Foyer de Charité movement, days with Mary, Friends of the Holy family, Confraternity of St James, Carmelite nuns in Finland and Nairobi, Society of Pewe, WAF, ESBVM, Billings family Life Centre, Fathers and Parishes of the Oratory and St Mary Magdalen’s, elderly and sick clergy whom we visit, vocations to the priesthood, religious life and marriage; Bishop Paul Hendricks and his intentions; Bishop Moth and his intentions; Mgr. Newton and the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham worldwide: Bishop Echeverria and the Prelature of Opus Dei;

1. The dates proposed in the January Chapter were accepted by all present. If you need a further list, please be in touch with Stephen.
2. St George’s day Mediaeval Banquet, Saturday, 21st April, 7:00 pm at Westminster Cathedral Hall, in support of Amer Jysti Trust for blind children in India. See preceptor for details.
3. For details of Peggy’s Funeral, contact Preceptor: 0208 675 6218

Concluding prayers: + Compline (S.M.E.P.) and ‘Inviolata’

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